June 30th, 2009

By Justin Van GenderenInstead of posting another kick ass artist, this month I thought it’d be cool to show where to go to learn about creating digital art pieces. Plenty of helpful tutorials and that sort of thing.

Becoming Better at the Digital Arts.

Become enamored with digital art: photos made clean and crisp through manipulation and correction; painting made clean and easy, with no brushes to wash or tarps to lay down. All of it is just a blast to do. I love the feeling of using Photoshop compared to most any other programs, and I rarely like to pick up a pencil or brush and use them for fear of mistakes and wasted materials. Like many others, I got started with the program on my own, just exploring it and learning things by myself. Every once in a while, though, I’d see a cool effect and wish I knew how to make, so I’d cruise the Internet for a tutorial to show me how. Sites like psdtuts+, a great resource for those who wish to build their skills in digital art.



May 30th, 2009

The Gamer Artist

The March Madness got me, but I’m back. By “march madness” I mean games, movies, and conventions. Speaking of games, this month I’m gonna give you a taste of one hell of an artist that’s also a gamer — the artist simply known as ‘Ionen’.

Dahlia By Ionen
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May 1st, 2009

Come to Daddy, DoSu

I was in the middle of doing the DAA for April and had to start over, just couldn’t bring myself to do it on that artist. Then someone recomended Aphex Twin and I went bat-shit crazy and hit myself for not doing them sooner. So here’s a video by Aphex Twin: Come to Daddy, and a little link to their site.

February 26th, 2009

German Artists Rule

For the month of love we visit a place I love, Germany, and also a genre that I love, fantasy. So this month we have both in one with an illustrator I ran across one day: Florian Stitz. I’m gonna keep it short and sweet about this guy as I don’t know too much myself.

Bronzeback Titan by Fstitz

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January 3rd, 2009

One Hell of Holiday Season

So yeah, its busy as hell around the holiday seasons for me, but I just wanted to pull up a digital music artist for the month of December, but someone spiked the egg nog. 7 Days later I wake up in Death Valley with this song being played in my head like angels. Not gonna sit here and talk on and on about this. From the dark corners and generally shadowed areas. I give you, from their latest album FH3, TZDV by Faderhead


November 30th, 2008

So this month we have someone I’ve known awhile, and am glad to have met, and I definitely am glad to have gotten to seen some of her art. She’s the first person I go to for advice on the matters of my Wacom tablet. Some call her “Ariel”, others “Becca”, and yet others refer to her as “her Chi-ness”, Rebecca Conway.

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October 29th, 2008

Think the choice for this month is a good fit…

Drop Dead Sexy

This month’s artist lives right in my own neighborhood of the Los Angeles area. He does wonderful and interesting things on the digital front of art. He’s a vector artist who takes simple forms and turns out complex things with the vectoring heaven of artisty. He tends to focus on things of dark nature mixed with the female form, and out comes something that will leave you longing for a taste of sinful pleasures. The horned demonic women depicted in his pieces stood out to me, other than the intricate and hypnotizing designs that make up the frequent backgrounds in his work.
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