October 29th, 2008

Think the choice for this month is a good fit…

Drop Dead Sexy

This month’s artist lives right in my own neighborhood of the Los Angeles area. He does wonderful and interesting things on the digital front of art. He’s a vector artist who takes simple forms and turns out complex things with the vectoring heaven of artisty. He tends to focus on things of dark nature mixed with the female form, and out comes something that will leave you longing for a taste of sinful pleasures. The horned demonic women depicted in his pieces stood out to me, other than the intricate and hypnotizing designs that make up the frequent backgrounds in his work.

Despite him being a local artist, I have still yet to meet with him in person. However, I do believe given the chance — if there’s a chance to go and view his art for anyone out there — that you should do so, as I’m sure the entire experience would be an awesome one. The art of his is fun to walk around and see as is. Plus, I’m guessing fellow creatures of the night would be on hand to see such lovely pieces. Though they may not be as dark as some other pieces, they’re defintely top notch — sort of like pop art meets a more digital age.

Spectacularly Spooky

Of course with a thing for drawing women in dark, seductive, and evil poses, it’s no surprise that this is our guy for the month of frights and scares. He even went as far as to release a few pieces just for the occasions. With brides of Frankenstein (featured to the right here) and Voodo baby girls, it’s no wonder I can’t help but love this guy’s work. In addition, it’s not just for this month that he’s drawing wicked pieces; he does this all the time, which is something I’m fond of doing myself. Anyone giving fear and fright all year round gets a smiley face sticker in my book. I’ve been constantly going back to his Deviant space, seeing what new spooky lady he’s gone and added for my viewing pleasure. Halloween, if you haven’t already guessed, is my favorite holiday. So here’s to everyone having a delightfully happy Halloween.

Betty Sinister

One character that seems to be repeated in Mr. Wasyl’s handy work is a devilish delight known as “Bettie Sinister”. In more recent months, this has been a new development for the guy. It’s great to have some kind of stable character featured that people can follow along with as they follow your trail of past art pieces. Although I haven’t looked into the matter too deeply yet, I’m hoping there will be a story to give this new concept of his something to do and possibly add flavor. There’s nothing better than stories about little cute devil girls running around, causing a little trouble here and there.

That is all I have for you this month, art lovers. You can find more about Mr. Wasyl and his fun pieces on his site, DropDeadSexy.net, or at his workplace on DeviantArt.com

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