June 16th, 2009

Jonathan Coulton just has too many great songs for him to not be featured multiple times. Last time I rode “Always The Moon” from the ever-growing album The Aftermath, but this week is for the acoustic version of “The Future Soon”, which is from JoCo’s demo album Other Experiments.

Jonathan William Coulton (born December 1, 1970, in Colchester, CT), affectionately known as JoCo to his fans, is a musician best known for the geeky subject matter of many of his songs and the nontraditional licensing and distribution of his music. His most prominent accomplishments include his Thing a Week project and his songs Code Monkey, Still Alive, Skullcrusher Mountain, and The Future Soon. Jonathan is largely associated with the folk rock genre, though he occasionally experiments with other styles. Jonathan’s primary instrument is the guitar, but he also plays each other instrument in most of his recorded songs.
April 17th, 2009

Another jam that’s been on repeat in my head lately.

Missed one.

February 28th, 2008

This video is a week old, so if you poke around at CNET’s podcast pages, you may have already seen this. But, for those who haven’t, Jonathan Coulton joined Tom Merrit on CNET Live last week on the 21st to talk about his career and to sing a few songs. He only sang the first verse, but he did happen to sing my three favorite songs of his. He also talked about the various ways you can acquire his music as well as how you can help to persuade him to come sing in your area. Enjoy!