DoSu TeamDoSu Team


October 23rd, 2008

If you’re a reader or listener of ExtraLife you’ve probably heard of Scott Johnson’s gaming podcast Final Score. You also know it’s been on hiatus for a good many months. Recently he put out a call for people with recording ability and a gaming-related story to tell. I decided I’d give it a shot, so I wrote some stuff down, opened up Audacity and recorded a story. I sent him my submission, and apparently he liked it. My story is featured on the premiere episode of the re-launch of Final Score. It’s pretty corny but it’s a true story from several years back that I look back on fondly and often. Anyway, check it out, I am at the tail end of the show.

October 23rd, 2008

I’ve been a little bit out of whack this week so I don’t have a full feature to share. Hopefully a short status update will suffice!

I have been playing a lot of LEGO Batman, mainly. You may recall that it is one of the games I was looking forward to most this year. It’s very fun and has more content than I could have anticipated. On the RPG front I have started playing Rogue Galaxy on PS2 and on my DS I am continuing to chug along in Luminous Arc. Somewhere along the way I seemed to trip and fall into Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, also on my DS. I’m enjoying all of these but with the distractions of home renovations happening all day and the anxiety of soon-to-be-due school work I have not been able to shift my focus to DoSu this week.

I do have a short video to share, however. Running through various levels in Free Play mode of LEGO Batman for red bricks and canisters (gotta collect’em all), I came across a fun glitch. It involves Mr. Freeze, an innocent bystander and an inifinite supply of LEGO bits. If anybody else is playing, I’m curious to know if this can be duplicated on the console versions (I play on PC, of course).

PseudoKnightMichael JT Smith


August 30th, 2008

We just transferred the site to another server to achieve better overall performance, reliability, and an improved control panel. I noticed the difference right away. Do you?

For those that want to know, we moved from to While there was nothing horribly wrong with 1and1 lately, SharkSpace has it beat in most categories. 1and1 is cheaper, and it shows. If you’re interested in more details on why we left 1and1 and/or why we chose SharkSpace, hit us with a comment.

Enjoy the now faster Downloadable Suicide — where ending the virtual madness is a click away.

August 14th, 2008

Yes, well, quite. No posts in a while aside from the new comic, sorry about that. I have been distracted by various PS2 JRPGs, a new TV, lots of comics and the idea of classes starting again next week. The latter, I think, is the major culprit. The idea of writing a post is one of the further things from my to-do list while I have the inevitable to worry about. You understand. However, some talking points do exist…
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PseudoKnightMichael JT Smith


July 26th, 2008

Late last year, before the launch of what would become DoSu 2.0, I went around and checked out a variety of different streaming video hosts. Youtube, the popular choice, wasn’t cutting it in terms of quality and features. After looking at some cross-comparisons and checking out several personally of those that looked good and had the features I wanted, I came away with the following list. Each had their own advantage that we could use for the site.

  • — community; you can drive a lot of traffic by uploading videos to this site. They had some pretty good community features, too.
  • — quality; there’s no limit to the specifications of video you could create, it just needed to use the divx or xvid codec. It unfortunately required users to install a not quite mainstream divx web player plugin.
  • — ease-of-use; bar none the simplest site to use and probably the prettiest presentation on the video page itself. It even features an HD stream, but that couldn’t be embedded, unfortunately.
  • — features; this video host had pretty much everything I wanted from a video host and more.

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July 24th, 2008

It’s that time again. To snort lederhosen and call 911, you ask? Nay, it’s time to look into the future of gaming. Outside of the comic we don’t actually write much about current and future games here. This is the specially reserved segment, last posted three months ago, to unleash our lists of anticipated PC titles. (obvious ones excluded) As you see, it’s my turn.

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DoSu TeamDoSu Team


July 4th, 2008

Happy three-days-after-Canada-Day Day, everybody!