January 20th, 2010

I use this image of stars to symbolize the future even though the light is actually from the distant past. SPACE.To celebrate the beginning of Downloadable Suicide’s third year, I’m looking toward the future and sorting out which of 2010′s games I want to play. Only two games from last year’s post actually came out (Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor, Dragon Age: Origins), but I’ve managed to play them both. This time I’ve tried to choose games that I’m pretty sure will launch this year, and I’ve added a section for games that might be announced.
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August 14th, 2008

Yes, well, quite. No posts in a while aside from the new comic, sorry about that. I have been distracted by various PS2 JRPGs, a new TV, lots of comics and the idea of classes starting again next week. The latter, I think, is the major culprit. The idea of writing a post is one of the further things from my to-do list while I have the inevitable to worry about. You understand. However, some talking points do exist…
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