October 8th, 2009

Hype DMS LosAngeles Graffiti Art by Flickr user anarchosynWhen the PC version of Assassin’s Creed 2 was pushed to 2010, I knew that my fall would not go as I had planned. And I was right — for the PC versions of multiplatform games, this fall has been, and will continue to be, an odd one. Borderlands’ PC release, for example, has been delayed one week for “optimization,” and since Gearbox has said in the past that PC is Borderlands’ lead platform, I think a more likely reason is that 2K wanted to give the console versions a week where they didn’t compete with .torrents of the PC version – a futile act. Still, the promise of add-ons would keep me from playing Borderlands on release day anyway, just as with Fallout 3. Similarly, the purported delay of Modern Warfare 2 PC (though it may only apply to the UK) doesn’t dissuade me from buying it on November 10th as much as its $60 price. There were also rumors leading up to Alpha Protocol’s delay; paying customers, including myself, were not sure of their validity until October 6th, the day it was meant to release. Even then, there was no formal announcement – the game simply didn’t launch, and Sega updated their store to say “Spring 2010.” Were I not confident in Obsidian’s ability to deliver, I’d ask for my money back.
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May 9th, 2009

If you ever wanted to know how to completely kill the sales potential of the PC version of your game in an entire region by encouraging piracy… well, this is how. Thanks for the lesson, Sony.

It’s still pretty cool to see that people are paying attention to Broken Sword again. I get sad when I hear people older than me say the Wii and DS Director’s Cuts of The Shadow of the Templars is the first time they’ve heard of the series. Just cast Tim Robbins as George Stobbart and Audrey Tautou (shh! no, that similarly themed movie that she was just in… yeah, that didn’t really happen) as Nico Collard and I’m on board.

Overgrowth’s dev tools are pretty impressive and all (seriously, go watch some of their other videos on GameTrailers), but this video in particular is great because it brings the funny. This video’s worth a look whether you’re interested in the tools or not. Bonus, if you are!

That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you!

May 2nd, 2009

This could be a blessing in disguise for the Witcher franchise. If you’ve checked out our forum lately (hey, check out our forum!) you might have seen that I’ve been playing through The Witcher on PC. As I play I’m trying to evaluate whether or not I think the RPG playing console audience would be receptive. Much of the game is designed with old-school CRPG ideals in mind that console players may not understand. I’ve been afraid that it would flop. It’s unfortunate that it’s been canceled for financial reasons, but still, it may be a good thing for the brand, much as the cancellation of the Xbox 360 version of World in Conflict was.

And it’s no joke. Not just a sampling, it’s the full game soundtrack. Pretty good music here, check it out. I haven’t listened to it all yet, but I’m keeping my ears open for an AudioSurf video candidate. We’ll see.

Yay! If you haven’t checked out Opera lately, you really should. Opera is currently my preferred browser and has been — for the most part — ever since it went ad-supported (don’t worry, that was about 9 years ago – it’s all free now). Version 9 is a thing of beauty and the alpha builds of version 10 are showing promise as well.

Surprise. Now get off Demigod’s back. I mean, the Rook can dish it out, but he can’t take it.

This trailer appeals to my sensibilities. Hard.

PseudoKnightMichael JT Smith


May 21st, 2008
