I don’t like lists, but I wanted to make one. I like certain things, but I also don’t like certain things. That’s two lists worth of things, but the only thing worse than one list is more than one list, so I’ve combined my two lists of things to make one list of things. Additionally, I’ve disorganized the items.
- Ben There, Dan That!
- “The Cloud”
- Forums
- Glee
- Dragon Age: Origins
- Chronicles of Wormwood
- Skate 2
- Apple commercials
- Jerry Seinfeld Microsoft commercials
- Curb Your Enthusiasm
- World in Conflict: Soviet Assault’s Soviet Strength Trailer
- Infinite Undiscovery
- “Value proposition”
- King’s Bounty: The Legend
- Audible
- The Unwritten
- Robert Kirkman’s character dialogue
- News posts which note whether what they’re cynically reporting on is a “shocker” or “surprise”
- Better Off Ted
- Fantastic Four #570
- Joe Hill
- Fountain pens
- Dexter
- Secret Six
- Tea
- Final Crisis #6
- What Ever Happened To The Caped Crusader?
- The Elements of Style
- Glenn Beck
- Games journalism in general
- Community
- Justice League of America
- Idle Thumbs
- Almonds
- Cashews
- Fallout 3
- Lists
- The Dresden Files (books)
- The Retrieval Artist book 1 and the first half of book 2
- League of Legends
- Keith and The Girl
- Lucidity
- Garth Ennis’ Battlefields
- Dollhouse
- Flash Forward
- Dante’s Inferno’s marketing campaign
- FEAR 2: Project Origin
- Ghost Rider #33 – #35
- Moleskine
- “You know, I know about farming.”
- Tuesdays
- The Apple Tablet
- Torchlight
- Tales of Symphonia
- On Writing Well
- Defense Grid: The Awakening
- Ultimatum
- K’naan’s The Troubador
- Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
- Zune Pass
- Persona 4
- Neil Gaiman’s Narration
- “High octane”
- Windows 7