As you probably know, Nine Inch Nails recently released a 36-track instrumental album under a very flexible business model. I won’t keep you occupied with the details; rather, I’ll throw up a video of me playing through Ghosts, track 9, off of volume I of IV (which has been released for free under Creative Commons), in Audiosurf. I even managed to set the world record for Pro in this run!
This game is called De Blob. According to The Wikipedia: “de Blob was originally developed as a free downloadable game for the Windows PC by eight students studying Game Design & Development at the Utrecht School of the Arts and one student studying Game and Media Technology at Utrecht University in the Netherlands.”. I’ll take their word for it, and you should too.
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We’re all big fans of the Sam & Max games here, so we were excited to see that a TPB (that’s Trade Paper Back) collection of all Sam & Max comics and prints from 1987 to the present was released last Wednesday. I just got mine in the mail today (I get my comics shipped from across the country). It’s very pretty, as you can see; nice cover. I have never read the original comics and I have been looking to expand my TPB collection, so the timing on this is perfect. Just a heads up on the coming-out of this collection, to whom it may concern. You can pick it up from your local comic shop, or the usual places online like Amazon should be carrying it.
In an effort to increase cheap and independent game awareness, I’m going to showcase Audiosurf today. It has been getting tons of good press all across the internet in the past weeks so you’ve probably already heard of it, and there is an almost equally good chance that you’ve played it yourself by now, but it’s so good that I simply have to make it the first game that I talk about here.
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Okay, okay. I will try to stop being so publically enamored with DS apps. Until then, have some!
I messed around with Pocket Physics for the DS some more today. Decided to record another video to post here for your enjoyment. I’ll warn you, though: it’s pretty brutal.
Welcome to my very first “feature”!
Getting the most out of my hardware has always been important to me. I’m rarely satisfied with “the way things are”, so I’ll go out of my way to modify my hardware. Things can always be better, right? Right!
Such is the case with my new DS Lite that I was given as an early Christmas present. I had been wanting one for quite a while but I’d never been able to bring myself to shell out the $130 just for… a handheld. However, it was worth every penny of my brother’s money. There were several games I had been itching to play…