October 8th, 2009

Hype DMS LosAngeles Graffiti Art by Flickr user anarchosynWhen the PC version of Assassin’s Creed 2 was pushed to 2010, I knew that my fall would not go as I had planned. And I was right — for the PC versions of multiplatform games, this fall has been, and will continue to be, an odd one. Borderlands’ PC release, for example, has been delayed one week for “optimization,” and since Gearbox has said in the past that PC is Borderlands’ lead platform, I think a more likely reason is that 2K wanted to give the console versions a week where they didn’t compete with .torrents of the PC version – a futile act. Still, the promise of add-ons would keep me from playing Borderlands on release day anyway, just as with Fallout 3. Similarly, the purported delay of Modern Warfare 2 PC (though it may only apply to the UK) doesn’t dissuade me from buying it on November 10th as much as its $60 price. There were also rumors leading up to Alpha Protocol’s delay; paying customers, including myself, were not sure of their validity until October 6th, the day it was meant to release. Even then, there was no formal announcement – the game simply didn’t launch, and Sega updated their store to say “Spring 2010.” Were I not confident in Obsidian’s ability to deliver, I’d ask for my money back.
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September 26th, 2009


Another bummer.

This is not a bummer. Reinstated backwards compatibility coupled with its new $299 price would prompt me to buy a Playstation 3. I’m not just saying that; I missed most of the PS2′s golden age, and although I’ve gone back and played Final Fantasy XII, some Ratchet and Clank games, and the odd RPG, I still have a lot of games that I would love to play anti-aliased and upscaled.

August 8th, 2009

Beginning next week and continuing on through Christmas, a lot of high-profile games are going to come out. Naturally, this means information about delays (FREAK OUT!!), pre-order bonuses, and special editions is occupying news sites. This is wonderful if you’re a person who buys new games at release, but that’s not me. As such, news this week has been a let-down.

That is, except for this:

Geek-out on some Rage screenshots with me; these aren’t your daddy’s skyboxes. The PDF is worth a look as well, if you can make heads or tails of it.

DoSu TeamDoSu Team


April 23rd, 2008

And neither is sanity! I won’t be having a cheap game post this week. Sorry about that. I was going crazy about finishing one of my classes over the weekend and on Monday, which is my usual preparation time for the features. My schedule was thrown off and I was tired of writing, so I’m going to delay it until next week. We’ve been keeping on track with the comics, though. Noct just put up a new episode of Nate, so check that out! Also, in case you may have missed any, check out some of my past features.

Forgiveness, please!

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