April 25th, 2009

This is big news that you’ve probably already heard, but MaxPC gets the link because they’re the one site that I’ve seen properly acknowledge that the next Fallout game will be made, by and large, by the same folks who made the original Fallout game. This is kind of a big deal.

Ah, well. At least it sounds like Dragon Age development is finished except for PC polish and the console port-job. Regardless, Dan Tudge still has the coolest name in the industry.

Though I would have made a couple different component choices, this article did well to illustrate that you can get a solid gaming PC for not a lot of scratch.

Part one of a five-part walk down memory lane that BigDownload ran (walked?) throughout the week. It’s quite a comprehensive look back, they didn’t leave much out. Here’s part two, part three, part four, and part five.