February 26th, 2009

German Artists Rule

For the month of love we visit a place I love, Germany, and also a genre that I love, fantasy. So this month we have both in one with an illustrator I ran across one day: Florian Stitz. I’m gonna keep it short and sweet about this guy as I don’t know too much myself.

Bronzeback Titan by Fstitz

The artmachine across the pond.

Deathjack Rebuild by FstitzSo yes, this guy is all the way over in Germany. I found him in my usual browsing on Deviant Art and I came across this awesome picture of some nasty Warmachine he had drawn up. Warmachines is a table top game like Dungeons & Dragons or Warhammer, made by Privateer Press Inc. A similar game they put out which is also cool looking is Hordes. I don’t know much more about either of them except that they seem to produce some pretty kick ass figurines that draw people like Mr. Stitz and myself in. From the green glow this guy emits, to the horns and skulls all about — how can you not love this big green killing machine?

Privateer Publishing Plunders

Precursor Knight Patriarch by FstitzCyclops Brute by FstitzIt seems Florian draws a lot of Warmachines and Horde illustrations, and for good reason; they publish his work. As I mentioned, I’m a big fan of the Fantasy category too — all the paladins, wizards, rogues, and crazy-ass monsters in these completely fictional and made-up worlds. But this lucky guy gets companies like Privateer Press to publish his little goodies. I’d like to resist making any privateer or pirate jokes at this time. These guys make some great figurines, and I’m always tempted to purchase some every time I walk into my local game store with some cash in my pocket. It’s hard to resist when there is a big statue holding a big sword covered in spikes and looking all awesome. Anyway, back to the artist at hand, he’s currently working on his own site for showing off his other pieces of work. It can be found at florianstitz.de, for those who want to take a look. Like I said, it isn’t finished, but I’m betting it is gonna be sweet. I said I’d keep this short, so here’s to you Florian Stitz, keep giving us awesome art to drool over.

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