
May 8th, 2008

So this week I was a little late. No I wasn’t playing GTA 4 unfortunately. Just had an odd sleeping schedule, and I’ve been trying to catch some kittens so I can get them out of the yard. I know the last part sounds bad, but we have coyotes around here, so for them to be safe, they need to be collected and give proper safe homes.

Anyways, I was thinking Nate needed a little more character development for himself. So he’s going to talk a litte about how he comes up with plans this week. Until summer comes I’m thinking thats gonna be the focus of the comic before continuing on his main quest for power and uh… power! It’ll be done through side story and what not of course. So yeah, hope you all enjoy the goodies coming up in this comic, and I’ll be posting some art soon as well.

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