PseudoKnightMichael JT Smith


January 15th, 2008

This is a machinima talk show within Halo that I love. It features DJ Octobit ripping out some great 8-bit tunes, a host by the name of Damian Lacedaemion that interviews all their great guests, their own “Solid Gold Elite Dancers” that use choreography and game glitches to effect dancing, and even some bodyguards to keep the pubescent players at bay in the “unpredictable multiplayer universe”. They talk about things ranging from virtual spaces to machinima itself. Visit for more episodes or wait for them to be syndicated here.

This first episode (28 min.) features guests Bob Stein, founder of the Voyager Company which was one of the first CD-ROM publishers in the coming digital era, and Peggy Ahwesh, creator of She Puppet (2001), a machinima film featuring Peggy playing Tomb Raider with various female voiceovers to create a narrative.

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